Jyothi Venkatesh
All Lights India International Film Festival (ALIIFF) witnessed a grand finale at HITEX, Hyderabad on 5th December 2018. The event was attended by Balachandra Menon, Festival Director, ALIIFF, Neelakanta, Film Maker- India, Amir Aghaee- Actor, Iran, Jinna Lee- Film Festival Programmer, Korea, Dhanushka Gunathilake- Cinematographer, Srilanka, Boodee Keerthisena- Film Maker, Srilanka, Chandra Siddhartha- Film maker, India, Ajayan Vincent- Cinematographer, India, Makfire Miftari- Actress/ Producer, Kosovo, Hassan Nazee- Film Maker, Iran, Nadaezhda Gorshkova- Producer, Russia, Rana Azadivar- Actress, Iran, Soo Sung Lee- Film Maker, South Korea, Marianne Borgo- Actress, France etc. The closing ceremony also saw the prestigious Golden Frame Awards, which are presented to the best films shown at All Lights India International Film Festival (ALIIFF).
Now in its 4th edition, the award ceremony aims to reward, acknowledge and appreciate creative excellence in the world of cinema. The award for Best Student Short Film was presented to Saad (Calling) directed by Kunika Kharat (India); the award was Best Short Film was presented to The Domestic Fly directed by Aron Horvath (Slovenia); Best Documentary award was bestowed upon The Art and Lega Power directed by Richard Uyer Tumitho (Democratic Republic of Congo); To Let directed by Chezhiyan Ra (India) was adjudged as the Best Indywood Panorama Film; Runaway by Abhishek Saha (India) was presented with NETPAC award for the Best Asian Cinema; The Best Debut Director award was presented to Nima Eghlime (Iran) for the film AMIR; and the Best Feature Film was presented to Octav directed by Serge Ioan Celebidachi (Romania) and PUPA directed by Indrasis Acharya (India). In the category Best Short film honorable mention was presented to Mashhad directed by Shabu Kilithattil (UAE), for the category Best Debut Director – Sudipta Chakraborty and Levon Haftvan were presented with honorable mentions for their performance in the movie Runaway (India) and Kupal (Iran) respectively. The Girl and the Picture directed by Vanessa Roth (USA) was also presented with a Honorable Mention in the category Best Documentary.
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Tags: Bollywood, Bollywood News, Bollywood Updates, Television, Telly News, All Lights India International Film Festival, Hyderabad