Sadashiv Amrapurkar Birth Anniversary: Education Endures Despite Loss

Sadashiv Amrapurkar gained fame for his role as Maharani in the film 'Sadak'

He did not need to take training from eunuchs for the role, as he had previously performed in a play about their lives and had observed a eunuch closely in his village during his childhood

Despite his success in films, Amrapurkar finds happiness in working in theatre and believes it can be used for social reform

He chooses plays that have a message for society, such as the current play he is working on based on the biography of Helen Keller

Amrapurkar would work for free in theatre because it gives him happiness that films cannot provide

He believes that making films with social messages is challenging due to the financial constraints and the preferences of the audience for action and sexy songs

In his free time, Amrapurkar helps friends involved in social reform work and finds peace in doing so

If he were made Prime Minister for a day, Amrapurkar would focus on providing basic amenities like electricity, schools, dispensaries, and government buses in villages, and emphasize the importance of education for poverty eradication

He reads literary books published by Sahitya Akademi and values high-quality language in literature