Ajmer 92 is a compelling and impactful movie that centers around a group of young girls who become victims of rape and horrifying crimes, perpetrated by powerful individuals. The storyline takes a significant turn when a fearless journalist emerges, driven by a sense of justice, to expose the truth behind these abominable acts. Through their courageous efforts, the journalist provides a ray of hope to the girls and their families, illuminating their path towards seeking justice and healing.
The teaser for the film Ajmer 92 has received praise for its powerful storyline, shedding light on women's plight and emphasizing their safety. It depicts the heart-wrenching suicides of girls who experienced sexual assault, creating widespread panic. Continuing their impactful campaign, the filmmakers released a hard-hitting trailer that aims to empower women. It urges them to break the chains of silence, raise their voices against atrocities, and marks the dawn of an era of empowerment
Ajmer 92 is directed by Pushpendra Singh and stars Karan Verma and Sumit Singh in the lead role.
A Reliance Entertainment presentation, a U&K Films Entertainment, Sumit Motion Pictures and Little Crew Pictures production, Produced by Umesh Narwadeshwar Tiwari.
The film is all set to hit the screens on 21st July.
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