Celebrities, Top Business Leaders And Students All Join Hands For Global Strike, Demand Action On Climate Change In Mumbai

By Team Bollyy
bhumi pednekar
New Update

Global warming has assumed monstrous proportions as snow mountains melt at a cascading pace and water levels rise with an alarming speed. Taking a cue from Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish environment activist, celebrities, students and corporate leaders have all joined hands to tackle the growing menace all around the globe through the Global Climate Change Strike. In India too, showing their support were prominent personalities-Actor Bhumi Pednekar, renowned singer Anushka Manchanda and Global Corporate Leader Ms. Imaan Javan along with a large crowd of people at The Global Climate Change Strike held on 27th September 2019 in Bandra, Mumbai.

Bhumi Pednekar Bhumi Pednekar

Ms. Imaan’s Suntuity REI, is a company working towards popularizing use of solar energy in the country feels if the world does not act now to save the planet, the future generations will not have a planet to live on and that will eventually lead to human extinction.

"The repercussions of our inaction on climate change will be borne by future generations. Climate change activist, Greta Thunberg, has made young people realize their rights for a clean environment," said Imaan Javan, Director, Suntuity REI.

Bhumi Pednekar Bhumi Pednekar

The movement, called Fridays For Future, began in August 2018, after Thunberg, sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. The hashtags #FridaysForFuture and #ClimateStrike started spreading across the world and many students and organisations began to protest outside their parliaments and local city halls.

"At Suntuity, we encourage the use of renewable energy over fossil fuels to prevent global warming and avert environmental catastrophe," Javan added

Bhumi Pednekar

Kindly do let me know if you require any further information or inputs from Suntuity REI. Being a global leader and an active clean energy promoter the brand has tremendous insights to share.

It would be great if you could feature this in your esteemed publication.

Hoping for a positive response.

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Tags: Bollywood, Bollywood News, Bollywood Updates, Television, Telly News, bhumi Pednekar

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