Do you know the meaning of the phrase “ramaiya vasta vaiya” - the popular song from Shree 420 (or Sri 420)?

By Team Bollyy
Do you know the meaning of the phrase “ramaiya vasta vaiya” - the popular song from Shree 420 (or Sri 420)?
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You probably have seen this message. It is supposed to be a true story. It is quite an interesting story.


Some of you may have missed this lovely story behind that unforgettable song 'Ramaiya VastaVaiya' in Raj Kapoor’s film ``Shri 420”.

The words 'Vasta Vaiya' are Telugu words. So how did they become the first few words of a Hindi song? There’s a story behind it. When Raj Kapoor started making the film, 'Shri 420', the music team used to often go to Khandala. The team comprised Shanker, Jaikishan, Shailendra and Hazrat Jaipuri.


The team used to stop at a roadside hotel for tea and snacks. There was a Telugu waiter there called Ramaiah. Shanker used to talk to him in Telugu and give the order only to him, not to anyone else. Shanker knew Telugu well as he was born in Hyderabad and had lived there too.

On one such visit to the hotel, Shanker called Ramaiah to take the order. Ramaiah signalled him to wait as he was busy with some other customers. As there was some delay, Shanker became impatient and started humming the words “Ramaiah Vastavaiya, Ramaiya Vastavaiya” basically meaning in Telugu "Ramaiah, come quickly".


To his words, Jaikishen started making tabla sounds on the serving table. This went on for a while. Hasrat got bored by this repetition and said to Shanker “only this much, nothing more?".

Then, Shailendra immediately added the words “maine dil tujhko diya, maine dil tujhko diya". When the lines were sung together, the team thought this could develop into a good song. After some time Ramaiah came, took the order and served the team.


The lines and tune were later shared with Raj Kapoor who loved it all. He created a situation in the film and lyrics were written keeping the beginning lines intact. A beautiful Hindi song, with a tinge of Telugu, took birth. As everyone knows, the song was a super hit and is an all time favourite???

Yes we have read this story. But some stories are so good, they are worth repeating. This is one of them???

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