Arshin Mehta on Hard Work: 'I Never Give Up, No Matter the Challenge'

Arshin Mehta

Arshin Mehta, known for her roles in "The Diary of West Bengal," "The Rally," and "Main Raj Kapoor Ho Gaya," highlights her hardworking nature as her greatest asset in acting

Arshin Mehta

She emphasizes her unwavering dedication, stating she never gives up on set regardless of long hours, lack of sleep, or costume issues

Arshin Mehta

Despite coming from an academic background with no initial connections to acting, Arshin feels grateful for the numerous opportunities she has received in the competitive industry

Arshin Mehta

Her never-give-up attitude is fueled by the love and support of her family and friends, especially her parents

Arshin Mehta

Arshin stays calm under high-pressure situations, ensuring stress does not affect her performance on screen

Arshin Mehta

She reassures her team during challenging times, suggesting flexible solutions to maintain the quality of their work without unnecessary stress

Arshin Mehta

Arshin is accustomed to working long hours and tight deadlines, sometimes shooting for 16-18 hours a day to meet production schedules

Arshin Mehta

She prepares thoroughly in advance, memorizing lines and understanding scenes to ensure smooth and efficient shooting

Arshin Mehta

Arshin believes it is an actor's responsibility to work hard and be prepared, which ultimately benefits the entire production team

Arshin Mehta

Her dedication to her craft is a testament to her passion for acting and her commitment to delivering her best performance in every project