Rinku Ghosh: Parents Want Our Time and Compassion, Not Luxuries

Rinku Ghosh, currently featured in Anokha Bandhan, emphasizes that parents are akin to gods and should be prioritized in one's life

On National Parents Day, Ghosh highlighted that one day is insufficient to honor parents, who should hold the highest position in Indian families

She criticized the neglect of elderly parents, noting that many are abandoned in old-age homes or even left on the streets

Ghosh insisted that parents desire not luxuries but their children's time and compassion

She expressed concern that today's generation often lacks basic respect and compassion for elders, sometimes using slang and behaving disrespectfully

Ghosh urged that parents should also teach their children the values of respect and compassion

Sharing her personal experience, she revealed that her mother has always been her best friend, making external friendships unnecessary

Despite this close bond, Ghosh and her sister were disciplined if they ever disrespected their parents or any elder

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