Sana Makbul Opens Up About Her Journey with Autoimmune Hepatitis

Actress Sana Makbul, known for her role in Bigg Boss, shared her battle with autoimmune hepatitis on Instagram

Through her 'Sundays With Sana' series, Sana offers a personal look into her struggles and triumphs with the disease

Initially ignoring symptoms, Sana emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and regular checkups

Diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis in 2021 at stage 4, she managed to reverse the condition through self-care and medical attention

Sana's journey has made her more aware of her health and the significance of proactive healthcare

Her candid storytelling has resonated with fans, urging them to prioritize their well-being

Sana's message emphasizes not taking health for granted and seeking help when needed

Despite her health challenges, Sana's resilience and openness continue to inspire many