Shubham Dipta Takes Cue from Sonu Nigam for 'Mangal Lakshmi' Role

Shubham Dipta, who plays the role of a rockstar in COLORS' show 'Mangal Lakshmi', reveals how he drew inspiration from Sonu Nigam for his character

Dipta says that portraying a rockstar feels like a dream come true for him, as he loves singing in real life too

He admires the way Sonu Nigam carries himself - always down to earth and genuine - and wanted to bring that same humility to his character

Dipta's character, Kartik Nigam, is opposite to the stereotypical image of a rockstar He is humble and cares about everyone around him.

The show 'Mangal Lakshmi' tells the story of two sisters navigating life's challenges and striving for mutual respect in their relationships

Mangal, portrayed by Deepika Singh, becomes a guardian and confidante to her sister Lakshmi, played by Sanika Amit

Despite facing her own marital struggles, Mangal tirelessly seeks a partner who will cherish Lakshmi

Eventually, she discovers Kartik as one of the eligible suitors for her sister

Shubham Dipta has received immense love from the audience for his portrayal of Kartik in the show

'Mangal Lakshmi' airs every day at 9:00 pm on COLORS