If the vaccinations were open for everyone since the beginning, the COVID protocols would have been compromised big time, says Aditya Nair

By Team Bollyy
If the vaccinations were open for everyone since the beginning, the COVID protocols would have been compromised big time, says Aditya Nair
New Update

While the people between the age of 18 and 44 are still struggling to get a slot for their first dose of COVID-19 vaccination, the debate is still on whether it should have been open for everyone since the very beginning - Jyothi Venkatesh


And tarot card reader Aditya Nair admitted that he is glad that it started phase-wise. He said, "We must understand ourselves, our nature and our country's nature.

We have this tendency of getting highly motivated by the West, since we are very proud that we are cosmic chaos, we feel home sick when their is too much order.

Let's not misunderstand this as a lack of responsibility, but one must understand, we are one of the largest democracies and we can not put western templates on the Indian system that often.

We should surely adapt good things from everywhere possible but turning it into administration level takes time.

If the vaccinations were open for everyone since the beginning, the COVID protocols would have been compromised big time.

We have to understand one simple thing it's high time we take responsibility and have respect of being a citizen of this democracy and we can only fight this collectively and come out stronger."

"Secondly, as we all know, when this pandemic hit the country last year, it was majorly affecting the elder ones.

Hence, the government decided to start the vaccination with that particular age group. And we all were very happy about the fact that our parents, grandparents will be safe.


And now when the second wave hit the country, and it was affecting the youngsters more, the government started it for them too.

So let's keep our patience and positivity high," he added.Though Aditya is yet to take his first dose, he said he is taking all possible precautions till then.

He further stressed that though we call health as the real wealth, a pandemic taught us the real meaning of that.

"Health should have always been centre stage and we waited for a pandemic to make us realise it.

We learned the hard way but better late than never I say. The words like immunity, yoga, meditation, the age-old kadha, all came to life in past one and a half years.

Sadly it should have never been forgotten. I hope now that we know things better we will be more connected to the age-old techniques," he said.

Aditya also asserted that in these trying times it's important to be more human and said, "I understand that jobs are lost, the economy is crashing but even money couldn't save lives.

It hit everyone the same irrespective of one's status and financial background.""Times have never been so uncertain where we call someone to check whether they are still alive or not, but let's take it as a lesson from mother nature to be more human and humble towards one another.

Yes, for us this is unfortunate to witness and yes, I know that we will rise again," he concluded.

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