Sheena Chohan recipient of the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award

Sheena Chohan, an Indian actress and United for Human Rights Ambassador, has received the President's Lifetime Achievement Award, signed by President Biden, for her efforts in spreading awareness of basic rights and equality to 170 million people in South Asia

Sheena used her position as an actress and her podcast, Born Free and Equal, to educate millions of people about basic rights such as non-discrimination, the right to education, social security, and more

Sheena was recognized by the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights and was previously awarded the Human Rights Hero Award at the United Nations in New York

She advocates for mandatory human rights education in all schools in India and has provided free human rights curriculums to over 100 educational institutions

Sheena's podcast and live events with celebrities have reached over 100 million people in India, spreading awareness of basic rights and equality during the COVID lockdown

Sheena has a significant following on social media and has used her platform as an award-winning actress to promote human rights

Sheena has had a successful career in the film industry, starring in several films and receiving nominations at international film festivals

She is currently working on a human rights series called "East Meets West on Human Rights" in America, collaborating with American artists and celebrities

Sheena's achievements highlight the importance of human rights education and advocacy in creating a society with peace, equality, and no exploitation

Her work has had a significant impact in South Asia and beyond, inspiring others to fight for basic rights and equality