Pammi Mohan, a renowned actress, and devout devotee of Lord Ganesha, hosted Ganpati Darshan for all at her home By Bollyy 27 Sep 2023 in News & Gossip New Update Follow Us Share Celebs like Shashi Ranjan, Sweety Walia, Surendra ji, Chawla ji, Abhiannshu Vohra, Meenal Bolia, Annapurna Vitthal, Prakash Ramchandani, Mitaali Nag, Pratik Vohra, Dillip Sahoo came to seek Bappa’s blessings Ganesh Chaturthi, the festival celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, holds a special place in the hearts of millions around the world. Actress Pammi Mohan, known for her unwavering faith and commitment to cultural traditions, hosted a spectacular Ganpati Darshan at her residence attracting a diverse gathering of devotees, friends, and well-wishers. This year's celebration promised to be a spectacle of devotion, culture, and community spirit. The Darshan featured a beautifully adorned idol of Lord Ganesha and meticulously crafted decorations. There were soul-stirring bhajans and engaging storytelling sessions that showcased the rich heritage and significance of Lord Ganesha. "Ganesh Chaturthi is a celebration of all things pure and prosperous and the. During this time my home is thrown open for guests to visit. There is a fun element along with spirituality in this festival. Ganpati Bappa is like a special guest who comes home for a few days. We all surround him with happiness and then miss him when he leaves" said Pammi Read also: TV Show “Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai” shines at the 5th Bright Awards Animal’s new poster featuring Bobby Deol Sets Ablaze as the Ferocious Antagonist India trusts Rohit Sharma, Ayushmann Khurrana & Alia Bhatt when it comes to travel! #Mitaali Nag #Sweety Walia #Surendra ji #Pratik Vohra #Prakash Ramchandani #Meenal Bolia #Dillip Sahoo #Chawla ji #Annapurna Vitthal #Abhiannshu Vohra #Shashi Ranjan Related Articles Latest Stories Read the Next Article