The popular comedy show Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, produced by Sanjay and Binaiferr Kohli, recently celebrated an incredible achievement of completing 1400 episodes. This milestone was marked with a joyful celebration on the set, attended by the entire Cast, Channel, and Crew, including lead actors Yogesh Tripathi, Himani Shivpuri, Sonal Panvar, Zaara, Vishwanath Chatterjer Warsi, Somya Azad.
&TV's 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan' Celebrates Milestone Moment
Airing on &TV, "Happu Ki Ultan Paltan" has captured the hearts of viewers with its unique humor and entertaining storyline. The show’s team, thrilled to have reached this special moment, expressed their gratitude to the fans who have supported them throughout their journey. The celebration was filled with laughter, shared memories, and a strong sense of togetherness, showing the bond that has grown among the cast and crew over the years.
With this landmark of 1400 episodes, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan continues to bring smiles to its audience, and fans are eagerly looking forward to even more fun-filled episodes!
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