Dramatic Twist Unfolds in "Rabb Se Hai Dua" TV News: In the upcoming episode of the popular television drama "Rabb Se Hai Dua" produced by Prateek Sharma and Parth Shah's Studio LSD," By Bollyy 08 Aug 2024 in TV News New Update Listen to this article 0.75x 1x 1.5x 00:00 / 00:00 Follow Us Share In the upcoming episode of the popular television drama "Rabb Se Hai Dua" produced by Prateek Sharma and Parth Shah's Studio LSD," viewers are in for a rollercoaster of emotions and high-stakes drama. The episode centers around Ibaadat, played by the talented Yesha Rughani, as she steps out of a car, unaware that she is being closely watched by Subhaan and Mannat. Ibaadat Slaps Farhaan, Accuses Him, and Threatens Elimination As the tension builds, Ibaadat meets with Farhaan. The confrontation quickly escalates when Ibaadat suddenly slaps Farhaan and berates him. In a shocking revelation, she accuses Farhaan of breaking his promise to stay out of her life and exposes that she had provided him with money to escape from jail. Ibaadat further declares that she is willing to pay even more to have him eliminated. This unexpected turn leaves Subhaan in a state of utter disbelief, while Mannat takes pleasure in Subhaan's shock, relishing the moment he learns about Ibaadat's secret dealings and her role in aiding Farhaan's escape from jail. The upcoming episode promises intense drama and compelling performances from the cast, with Dheeraj Dhoopar and Yesha Rughani leading the ensemble. Fans of the show are eagerly awaiting to see how these revelations will impact the intricate relationships and power dynamics within the story. Stay tuned to "Rabb Se Hai Dua" for this electrifying episode, where secrets are exposed and alliances are tested. Read also: Seerat Kapoor Joins New Mass Film, Spotted at People Media Office Rocking Star Yash’s 'Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups' Begins Filming Splitsvilla X5: Digvijay Singh Rathee & Siwet Tomar Clash at Fan Event Watch Laila Majnu (2018) with 'PVR INOX Showcase' #Rabb Se Hai Dua Related Articles Latest Stories Read the Next Article