Mohan became Mohini in the serial 'Pyaar Ka Naam Radha Mohan' Zee TV's 'Pyaar Ka Naam Radha Mohan' takes an unexpected turn as Shabbir Ahluwalia, portraying Mohan, adopts a woman's persona. Dressed in a red and white Bengali saree with bold makeup and jewelry, the storyline promises a significant twist. By Bollyy 18 Jan 2024 in TV News New Update Follow Us Share A new twist is going to come in Zee TV's serial 'Pyaar Ka Naam Radha Mohan'. There is going to be a big twist in the story of the serial, where Shabbir Ahluwalia, who plays the character of Mohan, has taken the avatar of a woman. Shabbir has assumed the avatar of a woman by wearing a red and white Bengali style saree, applying bold make-up, and wearing jewelry. The Spirit of Tulsi entered Mohan’s body In a video of the show's BTS, it can be seen that Tulsi's spirit has come inside Mohan and he is dancing to the song 'Mere Dholna' from the movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa. Watching the video, it becomes clear that the actors work very hard behind the scenes to entertain the audience. Not only was this, Neeharika Roy, playing the character of Radha, was also seen dancing to this song in the sequence of this scene. What turn will the story take? Let us tell you that in the upcoming episodes, all the family members are going to know that Tulsi, who was Mohan's first wife, did not commit suicide but was murdered. And Mohan is going to accept this when people feel that Tulsi's spirit has come inside him. Let us tell you that this whole drama has been done to get the truth out from Damini who is the villain of this serial. When Damini comes to know that Tulsi's spirit has come inside Mohan, she tries to kill Mohan too, and at the same time the police come and arrest her, and after Radha enters the scene, the whole drama comes to an end. Now we will know further in the serial in which direction the story turns. Whether Tulsi gets justice or not. -Ayushi Sinha Tags : shabbir-ahluwalia | portraying Mohan | neeharika-roy | shaitani-rasmein Read also: Jyoti Saxena chilling in green for the weekend full of good vibes only Farnaz Shetty opens up on web series VideoCam Scam Shivin Narang's Delightful New Music Video - Aakhri Sach Vedica's Revelation: 'Baatein Kuch Ankahee Si' Anticipation Lohri 2024: Here's how celebs plan to celebrate the festival #Neeharika Roy #Mere Dholna #portraying Mohan #Pyaar Ka Naam Radha Mohan #Shaitani Rasmein #Shabbir Ahluwalia Related Articles Latest Stories Read the Next Article