“We Have No Plans In & On Extending This Family Further More Right Now.”- Kareena Kapoor Khan

Kareena Kapoor Khan who will be soon seen in her soon to be release film,’ Good Newws “,when asked if she will be giving any good  news in the near future

By Team Bollyy
Kareena Kapoor Khan
New Update

Lipika Verma

Kareena Kapoor Khan who will be soon seen in her soon to be release film,’ Good Newws “,when asked if she will be giving any good  news in the near future to this smilingly she says,”  –There is no such thing   that I am going to give any good news in my personal life.”

Smilingly she adds,” You have put a pressure on me dekha??  I am very happy with one child. God is been kind, god is very great and we are very happy with that .We have no plans in & on extending this family further more right now. And we are very busy with work. We want to balance our family life and professional commitments as well.”

About discussing about our work life she says,” It is like –Saif has never asked me what film I am doing? Or planning to do? He never asks about my professional commitments at all. And I never tell him anything .If it is a Karan Johar film he knows then Bebo has to be in the film. He is only bothered when I would reach home. He has only one thing to say,” I want my child to get enough time with you. “I don’t think apart from that he has no qualms about my work, if you have to work, you must work and that is important.”

 Reminiscing her first pregnancy Kareena update,” Yes, when I got pregnant for the first time I shared this happiness with my husband Saif first. We both as a husband and a wife were excited to start with a family after marriage. It  is essential for a husband and a wife to be the same page. And we were both keen on getting a child. I remember I would walk all over the place while I was pregnant unhesitatingly because I wanted to do whatever I wished to do and could eat whatever I wanted to” she agrees with a smile.

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Tags: Bollywood, Bollywood News, Bollywood Updates, Television, Telly News, Kareena Kapoor Khan

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