What Is Happening In The Country Today, Happened Thirty Five Years Ago In A Film Called "Inquilaab" Starring Amitabh Bachchan I am like all right-thinking and right -feeling Indians still reeling and staggering under the impact of what happened on the campus of By Team Bollyy 07 Jan 2020 | Updated On 07 Jan 2020 11:29 IST in Features New Update Follow Us Share Ali Peter John I am like all right-thinking and right -feeling Indians still reeling and staggering under the impact of what happened on the campus of the JNU University on Friday night and how the skulls of young girl students were smashed by hoodlums hidden behind masks and seemingly protected by the police who were misguided by their mai-baaps in nai-dilli and as i make brave efforts to recover from the shock ,i don't know why my mind goes back to a film called " Inquilaab". I had seen a film full thirty five years ago .It was a shocking and eye -opening and heart-stirring film to say the least . It was no doubt an exaggerated version of what was going on in the atmosphere of the politics of the time in Bharat or India or Hindustan as it was called according to every Indian's convince and adjustable and mallpable conviction and changeable conscience . Every scene in the film was a reflection of the realities in life around ,specially in the realms of the dirty and dangerous game of politics which was being played on casteist ,communal and corrupt to the core lines . There is one particular round table scene in which two senior leaders of a government who knows that it has played its role disastrously during it's term and now has to think and has to use its collective destructive mind to think of how to get back. the common man who has lost all faith in them and their government back on their side again...... It is at this time that Kadar Khan 's political mind works at its very best ,even better than any of the most polished and wicked and cunning politician anywhere in the country or the world .He addresses his cabinet which is a bunch of Yesmen and tells them about his plan on how their own government will have to create situations of unrest ,murders ,mayhem,interacaste riots of the worst kind between Hindus and Muslims ,between Muslims and Muslims ,between Hindus and Christians ,between the upper castes and the lower castes ,between students and teachers and between the labour class and the employees .He tells his foolish followers who are ministers in high positions in his cabinet that he would need money to be raised for this operation to be carried out which was a must if their government had to be returned to power .One of his ministers asks him if fifty lakhs would do, but he looks disappointed ,but finally says that it would do for a beginning .It was a sinister political scene ,the like of which had never been seen in hindi films before ........ But what about the role of Amitabh Bachchan in the film ,Inquilaab" ?He is the young angry politician who joins politics to bring about a fiery revolution (inquilaab")in politics .He keeps fighting against the evil plans of the ever so dirty politicians ,till he cannot take it any more and finally to show the mass reactions of the masses ,he enters Parliament with an Ak-47 and brutally guns down all the corrupt and wild politicians and surrenders himself to the police .... https://bollyy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/VID-20200107-WA0014.mp4"> Courtesy of ULTRA *The scene of this video is from the movie "Inquilaab" released in 1984. Today, 35 years later, this video is 100% accurate in relation to the current situation in our country. Politicians are unnecessarily provoking the people of this country for their malafide intent.* The film was instantly banned by the Censors ,but Amitabh who still had his political clout used it and the film was passed with minimum cuts .There was a great deal of excitement over the film all over the country .. But some of the excitement was dinned when Rajesh Khanna who was trying to fight one more last battle to try and beat his old rival Amitabh at his own game started a film called "Aaj ka MLA Ram Avtaar"which was also based on political corruption but was a softer and almost a comic version .The makers of both the films tried to relase their films around the same time ,which many experts said was a very foolish thing to do and they were proved right ,because both the films flopped miserably ,Inquilaab in spite of. Amitabh and his angry young man image at his peak ... Will some one their dare to relase "Inquilaab "in many more theatres and multiplexes all over India,in every village nook ,crammy and gully where the boys and the generation of today which is not showing enough interest in the politicians and their politics of today will wake up to the realities and decide to take action ,not the violent time ,but the peaceful time as possible ,because if they don't wake up,the politicians will continue to have a field day and the future of the youth will be dooned before the youth can take any positive advantage of their being the modern day Bhagat Singhs and Chandrashekhar Azads of Bharat ....... For more Bollywood updates, follow Bollyy! Tags: Bollywood, Bollywood News, Bollywood Updates, Television, Telly News, Amitabh Bachchan, Kader Khan, Inquilaab #Inquilaab #Amitabh Bachchan #Kader Khan #bollywood news #Telly News #television #Bollywood updates #Bollywood Related Articles Advertisment Latest Stories Read the Next Article