The popularity of Anime is on a constant rise in the country. Depiction of different genres through the computer-generated imageries has created an unmatchable craze amongst the youth - Jyothi Venkatesh
With content available for multiple age groups, anime is no longer constrained to the young teenagers. Catering to the commitment of bringing the best content as per the viewer’s choice, Zee Café recently introduced Anime with its flagship programming Heroes of Café.
After showcasing multiple Marvel Animes, Zee Café now brings Valkyria Chronicles from 19th September. The series will run on weekdays at 6 pm.
The anime full of well-defined action moves is the story of a young lieutenant Welkin Gunther who must lead a small platoon against the powerful Valkyria race and take back their homeland from a powerful invading group.
Do not miss the action and drama in Valkyria Chronicles running at 6 pm from 19th September on Zee Café