Birthday Special: The Merchant of Death Who Tried to Kill Tabassum

Birthday Special: It has taken me hours to try and understand the minds of some people who take great pleasure in spreading stories about the deaths of celebrities - Ali Peter John

By Bollyy
Birthday Special: The Merchant of Death Who Tried to Kill Tabassum
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It has taken me hours to try and understand the minds of some people who take great pleasure in spreading stories about the death of celebrities, especially well-known names from the film industry. What do they gain by doing something so monstrous and sinister? Do they ever think or imagine what games such distressing stories play with the families and the people they, without any conscience or guilt, 'kill'?


Do they think about how people in their own family would react if they spread such horrible stories and rumors about them? Why do people with sick minds indulge in activities that I consider more heinous than murder and should be punished, just like murderers are punished?


What happened to Tabassum yesterday morning was nothing new. These killers have gone on a rampage in the past too. They have 'murdered' Nutan, they have 'strangled' Dev Anand more than once, and they are targeting all the stalwarts and legends who are lying at home in a helpless state. The last time they tried to 'kill' someone good and great was the poetic personality, Amin Sayani, who was found a little old and weak, but still active!


It is true that it is like the season of death, but why do these 'killers' have to make the season more dark, desperate, and desolate, which must be in their dangerous minds, to believe that it was fun and it was done 'just for the sake of it'. True, Tabassum is in her 80s now, but as far as I know, she does not have any major health issues and can give these 'killers' an answer the way she knows best. 

Where do the cowardly 'murderers' have the courage to face the truth?


This dirty and brutal game has gone too far and the hands of the law and others who care for humanity must take some strict steps to stop it because if it is not stopped now, it can grow into another kind of pandemic which has already created the kind of fear that will not let us live in peace for years to come! Who will be the next victim of these horrific, 'killers'? Even time cannot tell because it is still very difficult to know how they do their monotonous work without caring 'whether someone lives or dies, what do we have to do'? This heinous crime has to be stopped, otherwise, our Bharat ke hir moti will keep dying unnecessarily and they will keep laughing, stop this game of ruin before this game becomes a curse. 










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