Aadesh Chaudhary talks about his new year resolutions Actor Aadesh Chaudhary who has been part of shows like Diya Aur Baati Hum, Doli Armaanon Ki, Laal Ishq and Maitree says that he wants to make a promise of a healthy lifestyle this New Year. By Bollyy 31 Dec 2023 in Entertainment New Update Follow Us Share Actor Aadesh Chaudhary who has been part of shows like Diya Aur Baati Hum, Doli Armaanon Ki, Laal Ishq and Maitree says that he wants to make a promise of a healthy lifestyle this New Year. He wishes to include meditation and daily walks into his day. “My New Year resolution is to wake up at a positive auspicious time in the morning and incorporate a routine of meditation and walking into my day. That's my resolution for this year. I've learned a lot in 2023, especially about how people behave when you're successful or not. There are many things, and I don't want to go into internal details, but I've gained valuable insights,” he says. Actor's 2023: Bollywood Hits and World Cup Blues As far as the world events go this year, it has been sad. However, says that he doesn’t delve much into this. “Look, I don't really focus on negative news, but regarding Bollywood, I enjoyed watching Animal. I became a fan of it. As for Hamas, I prefer not to comment. The World Cup was a lot of fun, but I felt pretty disappointed after the final. Also, I recently watched a movie, and I must say, Ranbir Kapoor's acting was amazing. I liked it; Bollywood seems to be doing well,” says the actor.Talking about his bucket list for the year 2024, he says, “In 2024, I'm working on some new ventures, especially aiming to grow on YouTube. My focus is on content related to OTT platforms, the web, and films. It's the same routine for me—waiting for the right opportunity and role to come my way. That's where my focus lies.” Read also: Shreya Kulkarni Embarks on a New Year Commitment with 'Atal' India: Marvels & Mysteries with William Dalrymple on HistoryTV18 Safed Movie Review: A Thought-Provoking Subject in Mediocre Narrative Sharad Kelkar on The Legend of Hanuman Season 3: Ravan's New Light Kashish A tribute to Mohammed Aziz is being organized by Saleem Shaikh, Sonu Nigam, Sana Aziz will be present #Aadesh Chaudhary Related Articles Latest Stories Read the Next Article