Watcho Exclusives actors Brijendra Kala, Ashmit Patel, Mudasir Bhat and Lokesh Batta Reflect on Childhood Holi Memories

As the vibrant festival of Holi approaches, Watcho Exclusives actors Brijendra Kala, Ashmit Patel, Mudasir Bhat, and Lokesh Batta  take down the memory lane, recalling their cherished childhood Holi celebrations.

By Bollyy
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As the vibrant festival of Holi approaches, Watcho Exclusives actors Brijendra Kala, Ashmit Patel, Mudasir Bhat, and Lokesh Batta  take down the memory lane, recalling their cherished childhood Holi celebrations. From playful water fights to indulging in traditional sweets, their stories will ignite nostalgia and paint a picture of the cherished moments that define this festive occasion.

 Veteran Actor Brijendra Kala who played Madan Lal in the anthology series Luck Shots expressed,


“In my childhood, I lived in Mathura, where the best Holi is played. It is still celebrated, but the vibe was completely different back then. The festivities began much earlier than the actual festival date. I have fond memories of enjoying Holi with my friends during those days. We would engage in all sorts of fun activities. During the Holika Dahan ceremony, we would collect wooden items from here and there and throw them into the bonfire, which would burn throughout the night. Sometimes, we would even fill our water guns (pichkaris) with hot water because the weather was still quite cold despite Holi marking the onset of summer. Splashing hot water from the pichkaris on people was great fun; their reactions were priceless. We would also fill balloons with hot water and splash them on people. These memories are some of the most enjoyable ones from my childhood.” 

 Ashmit Patel who returned to the screens after a brief hiatus with the series State v/s Ahuja, where he played Bollywood actor Ansh Ahuja, shared,


 “As a kid, we didn't follow specific traditions for Holi, but I do remember how it was celebrated in my building. All the kids from both wings would gather together for a big celebration. It was a lot of fun because we could let loose and express ourselves by throwing water colours, water balloons, and using water guns (pichkaris) on each other. We even dunked anyone we didn't like into big buckets of coloured water. These memories are some of the best from my childhood, and that's how we celebrated every year – like a bunch of junglees.”

 Mudasir Bhat, who played an investigative officer Vivek in the series Oh My Wife! said,


“Traditions are more than just the days of excitement leading up to the festival; they also involve planning. During childhood, we eagerly awaited Holi to meet all our friends, celebrate with music, enjoy good food, and, of course, play with different dry colours and water. Back then, I used to play with the harsh, hard colours that would take about a week to completely fade from the skin. Those were the days of fun and innocence.” 

 Lokesh Batta, who portrayed a cop for the first time in  Oh My Wife! mentioned,


“Back in my childhood days, we had some unforgettable traditions. We would play with colours, dousing each other with water-filled buckets, and there was a lot of laughter and joy. One of the highlights was throwing coloured dye on each other and dancing through the streets—it was an absolute blast! I really miss those moments; they hold a special place in my heart.”

Watcho Exclusives series Luck Shots, Oh my Wife! And State v/s Ahuja are streaming on the Watcho App


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