
Charlie Chaplin's quotes related to life

Follow these in all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life. If you look at the moon you will see the beauty of God. If you look at the sun you will see the power of God.

By Bollyy
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Charlie Chaplin lived for 88 years, he said four statements related to our life

1. Nothing in this world is forever, not even our problems.

2. I like walking in the rain because no one can see my tears.

3. The most lost day of life is the day we do not laugh.

4. The six best doctors in the world are sun, rest, exercise, diet, self-respect, and friends.


Follow these in all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life. If you look at the moon you will see the beauty of God. If you look at the sun you will see the power of God. If you look in the mirror you will see God's best creation. So believe me, we all are tourists, God is our travel agent who has already identified our journey, booking, and destinations. Trust him and enjoy life. Life is just a journey so live it happily today, you don't know what will happen tomorrow.

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