K. N Singh used to be famous as a villain once upon a time. Therefore, when I expressed my desire for an interview over the phone for the villain special, the reply I received was –
"What is the use of interviewing me for this? I have almost retired now. Now, in the couple of films that I am doing, I am only playing character roles."
"You think so but in our opinion, the villain special will remain incomplete without you."
"Okay, as per your wish. You come home the day after tomorrow at 10:30."
When I reached KN Singh's house, I came to know that he was having breakfast. After some time Singh Saheb came and said – “Sorry! I woke up a little late today. You are Parvez, right?"
Even before we could start the interview process, Singh Saheb started digging into the past. All those things were very interesting but did not match our topic. Perhaps he also understood this and said - "Okay, you ask, I will remain silent."
When did you start your career as a villain?
Singh Saheb kept thinking for a while and then said - 'Well, I had become a complete villain in 1938 itself. But even before that, he first played a villainous role in a Calcutta film 'Anathashram' in 1936. In which a child was kidnapped. When he came to Bombay in 1938, he did Kardar's film 'Baghban'. The story of that film is very interesting. The villain of that film was a selfish person. Who does not realize the problems of others? He is ignorant of the thing called love. Always talks rudely to others. Because his idea is that if you talk to someone lovingly, the other person will demand something. Will complain. In those days, Yakub Ishwar Lal, etc. we were playing the roles of villains. I have seen many of his films. When Kardar offered me that film, I said that I would not copy anyone. Because imitation cannot last long. Secondly, if a crow walks wearing peacock feathers, some feathers will fall here and some will fall there. Let me show you in rehearsal. If you like it then it is fine, otherwise, you can take someone else. He said ok. Rehearsal started. Kardar's wife Bahar Akhtar was also present there at that time. When I showed the rehearsal, the actor remained sitting silently on his chair. I asked what you think. Said we did not understand anything. I said, 'Then you take someone else.' On this, Bahar Aapa said to Kardar - 'Mian ji, you have gone crazy. Of. You haven't even seen N Singh's eyes, you are only seeing his body. Kardar said - 'Okay, if you want to take it, then take it, but I will not come to the set.' Bahar Aapa signed me and did as the Kardar had asked. Whenever I was on the set, they would not turn that way. The film was completed, released, and became a hit and fared well in competition with 'Pukaar'. And that's how we became villains. After that one day Yakub came and said – King! You did wonders. I said, 'I am not a king but a Singh.' He started saying – 'King, I will call you king only.' I came after watching your picture. It felt good and also bad. I said, 'First tell me why you felt bad?' Said- 'I have stopped the work of villain from today. Don't know how you became a villain? You neither smoke cigarettes nor show his eyes. I will do comedy in your picture. After that, we did many films together in which he did comedy.
'How many films have you done as a villain so far and which version of it have you portrayed?'
'Till now I have done two hundred films. As far as looks are concerned. I have highlighted every aspect. I have also become such a villain who laughs and talks to the enemy. But there is hatred hidden in it. He has also played the role of secretary to kings and emperors. I have also become a third-class thief and village scoundrel. He has also played such roles in which one feels that he is a villain just by his style of speaking and body language. Let me tell you one special thing if the villain takes the help of sentences in acting and action, then reality starts appearing in the acting. But if the villain is revealed only by hitting, screaming, and raping, then it looks artificial. I have learned this from Harendra Nath Chattopadhyay and Devaki Babu.
'Once upon a time, there was no like you as Villain. But what is the reason why you have been seen less in films for some time?
‘The biggest reason for this is age. The villain should also be of the hero's age. Otherwise, the role should be such that he is old. Now let me tell you that I played the role of villain in Ramanand Sagar's film 'Humrahi' with Randhir Kapoor. One day my sister Krishna Raj Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Ramanand Sagar, and other members of our family went to watch a movie in the picture hall. Perhaps that day was the silver jubilee function of the film. In one scene, when I hit Dabboo, a spectator from behind got up and raised his voice. 'Singh Saheb is your grandson, why are you killing him?' I said to Ramanand Sagar- 'Listen son! Now you understand!' Now you must have understood why I am not seen in films. Secondly, nowadays heroism has become such that there should be only one hero in the entire film. If any artist should be the hero in any scene. If an artist overshadows the hero in a scene, the hero gets angry. And tells the director – “We cannot work in such an environment.” In our times all artists were equal. There was neither any master nor any servant. Let me tell you another interesting story. This is from 1945. This is from the shooting of the film 'Laila Majnu'. Nazir (Late K. Asif's maternal uncle) Swarn Lata and some junior artists were shooting in Mysore Palace, Bombay. Food arrived for us at lunchtime. The production manager gave money to the junior artists and asked them to go and eat food. A junior artist said – give us the car. Because there was no hotel in that area at that time. And to eat, one had to go from there i.e. from Nepionsee Road to Grant Road. On this, the production manager got angry at the junior artist. When Nazir heard this, he called the production manager and scolded him severely took away his and our food, and gave it to the junior artists. The junior artists got scared and refused to eat, then Nazir said that if you guys don't eat this food then I won't talk to you guys. He was forced to eat food. Then the production manager himself went to bring food for us. Today you can expect this from any hero.
'What are your upcoming films? And what kind of roles are there in them?
'As I said I am almost retired. Still, if someone calls, I go. I am playing the role of a judge in Raj Khosla's film. In 'Tumhare Pehlu' I play the role of Vinod Mehra's father who is seriously ill. Apart from this, perhaps one more film whose name I cannot remember.
In Raj Kapoor's film 'Awara', I Become a goon in which Judge Prithviraj Kapoor punishes me and I make his son Raj Kapoor a thief, whose dialogue became very famous.
"sharif ka beta sharif aur badmash ka beta badamaash nahi hota, sirph haalaat hin use aavaara, chor, badamaash bana dete hain"
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