New story Unfolds in Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta's show Dalchini

In the upcoming episode of Dalchini, tensions escalate as Kala makes a shocking move, pushing Deepak into the deep water. However, the blame falls on Dalchini, who had previously examined Deepak's head.

By Bollyy
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Twists Unfold in Dalchini: The Blame Game Begins!


In the upcoming episode of Dalchini, tensions escalate as Kala makes a shocking move, pushing Deepak into the deep water. However, the blame falls on Dalchini, who had previously examined Deepak's head. Amidst the chaos, Kala reaches out to Tej, claiming that Dalchini has manipulated Deepak into contemplating suicide by insinuating an affair between Kala and Tej. Is Deepak still alive or has he passed away?
Dalchini (4)-min.JPG

To uncover the truth and witness more unexpected turns, don't miss Dalchini airing Monday to Saturday 9.30pm exclusively on Dangal TV.
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