Ayodhya's Grand Day: Lord Ram's Re-establishment on 22nd January

Ayodhya's Historic Day: Erra Foundation's Initiative to Share Ayodhya Temple Model, Rinnku R Nigam's Erra Foundation Drives Cleanliness Campaign in North Delhi Temples.

By Bollyy
Ayodhya's Grand Day Lord Ram's Re-establishment on 22nd January
New Update

Global Celebration: Ayodhya Temple Model Reaches World

22 January: Not only the city of Ayodhya, but the whole of India is preparing for the re-establishment of Lord Shri Ram. This important occasion holds great significance for the entire world, Shri Ram resides in the heart of every Indian Therefore, our organization Ira Foundation has decided that this year we can reach the model of Ayodhya temple to as many people as possible. Rinnku R Nigam, Director of Soumilraj Developers & Infrastructure and Chairman of Erra Foundation keeps taking new steps for social welfare through his organization Erra Foundation. With this, Rinnku R Nigam started a cleanliness campaign in every temple of North Delhi.


Tags : Lord Ram | Ayodhya's Grand Day | 22nd January

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