Shah Rukh Khan had earlier rejected 'Lungi Dance', Honey Singh revealed Latest news: Honey Singh told in an interview how Shahrukh Khan initially rejected his song Lungi Dance. Which was later included in the film Chennai Express. By Bollyy 05 Sep 2024 in Latest News New Update Listen to this article 0.75x 1x 1.5x 00:00 / 00:00 Follow Us Share Honey Singh has given Punjabi music lovers some of their favorite tracks. The audience cannot stop themselves from dancing to his songs. Meanwhile, during his conversation, Honey Singh told how Shahrukh Khan initially rejected his song "Lungi Dance". After which it was included in the film Chennai Express and became one of the most favorite tracks of all time. When Shahrukh did not like 'Lungi Dance' In fact, Honey Singh revealed in his recent interview that even Shah Rukh Khan initially did not see the potential of his song “Lungi Dance” and rejected it. “When ‘Angrezi Beat’ and ‘Party All Night’ became hits, the next person came to me and said he wanted a song like those tracks. I suggested ‘Lungi Dance’, but it was rejected.” When asked who rejected the song, Honey Singh said, “Shah Rukh bhai rejected it. He said, ‘Beta, maza nahi aaya’. I was very upset. I asked Bhushan Kumar if he saw potential in the song, and he told me it was a super hit. We had planned to release it as a single, but when Rohit Shetty got to know, he decided to take it. I had to refuse many big people because everyone was trying to stereotype me”. Honey Singh recalls his Thailand shoot with 400 bikini-clad girls Along with this, Honey Singh recalled shooting the music video of “Angrezi Beat” in Thailand with Gippy Grewal. He said, “I and Gippy Paaji shot an elaborate video of ‘Angrezi Beat’ in Thailand, which featured about 400 girls in bikinis. So we shot the video with 400 girls in a villa and it was a glamorous video. By the time the video was completed, my effigies were being burnt in Punjab”. When Honey Singh's effigies were burnt in Punjab Talking about the protests against Honey Singh in Punjab for allegedly using obscene lyrics and how Gippy convinced him to remove the video, Honey Singh said, "Gippy told me, 'You live in Delhi. You don't care if they burn your effigies but I live in Punjab. They will come to my house. Let's not release this video.' I argued that we had spent a lot of money on the video and urged them not to worry about Punjab, as I was confident they would eventually accept us. Instead, I asked them to consider reaching out to audiences in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Varanasi, and beyond. But Gippy insisted that they wouldn't talk to me if I released the video. So, we decided to drop it. We had spent all our money on the Thailand shoot and had no funds left, so we shot a different video - which eventually reached the audience." Honey Singh spoke on being called arrogant in Bollywood Not only this, talking about the perception of him being called an arrogant person in Bollywood and refusing to be stereotyped, Honey Singh said, "An arrogant image was created of me, and to some extent it was true. And why not? My first song to be released in Bollywood was 'Angrezi Beat' from the film Cocktail. The producers told me that they wanted a song like 'Angrezi Beat', but I told them that it was not possible and suggested another track 'Party All Night'. However, they insisted on 'Angrezi Beat' and finally took it. Another person chose 'Party All Night', gave me money and even shot the video with me." Read also: Sharvari Wagh breaks silence on poor box office response of Vedaa Actress Ritabhari Chakraborty accused the industry of sexual harassment Farhan Akhtar did not like Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal for this reason Natasha shared a cryptic post after divorce from Hardik Pandya #Honey Singh Related Articles Latest Stories Read the Next Article